Thursday, February 19, 2009

Life the Creation greater than all!!!

We had a great day for Wednesday. When the kids came home from school, they noticed 2P a goat had finally had a baby. All excited Shad ran out to see it, soon after he returned to announce she had twins, but one didn't make it.
Dixon and I went out to catch horses and hook on the trailer, I decided to go take the dead goat out of the pen. Much to my suprise it was breathing!!!! The kids and I dried it off with a towl and got it to nurse the mom a little. Fragile and cold we were afraid it wouldn't make it.
Dixon and Shad ran and got a heat lamp, then we seperated the other preganant goat from 2P. Each one of us played a part in the life of something else. My kids love new life in any form. Dixon has always had a place for little creatures, since he was little.
Casy and Dixon went out before bed and helped it nurse some more. This morning the kids ran out to see how it was. Shad felt the mouth and sure enough it had nursed by itself, he could feel the warmth. KyLeigh fed the momma some hay, and then we headed for school.
Theres nothing better in life than caring for something else, humans, animals, yourself. A great reward lies in the end. The satisfaction of feeling the need to help out and serve something or someone else.
These babies are the first of many so heres to a great goat season at the Winns place.


  1. HI!!! i am so excited that you found me on here! how are you doing? we need to come and see you soon.

  2. Wendy...Such a great lesson for the kids! I wonder where they got their love of animals from?

  3. Been there, done that and what a lesson my kids learned! Priceless lesson!!!
