Monday, February 23, 2009


Dixon and I went to stake standards night last night.WOW!!!! It was so good, they had a guest speaker Dianne Hocher, what an outstanding time we had.
She spoke about living like you are a believer, in thought in your standards, the way you dress, live,talk, everything. She was funny, charismatic, and had so much energy in her voice. Dianne spoke about some of the stories in the scriptures and how they relate to us in our lives.
Dianne encouraged us to write down 12 things that we loved about our significant other, or future other for the kids.
Emulating after this list of your spouse, soon you will also want to live this way and your thoughts will change after you redirect some items in your life.
So heres to Casy Winn and his top 12, there might be a top 20 for him but i will narrow the list down.
1. Unconditional love of others
2. Forgiveness of others
3. Non-judgmental
4. Smart, likes education
5. Great Father
6. Excited about life
7. Hard Worker
8. Thoughtful
9. Always give 110%
10.Devoted Friend
11. Unselfish
12. Wants to see the best in everyone

As i read this list and hopefully i also will be able to emulate this list and become like this great husband,coach,father,friend, we all know!!!


  1. Wendy...I must say I am impressed...who knew what a great blogger you would be!!! LOL I had faith in you. Great idea too! Thanks for all your help! Love you guys!

  2. you are funny my friend, this blogging thing is interesting and a little bit of fun. keep smiling thanks for all you and your great family do for ours you are great people!!!!! wendy
