Saturday, February 14, 2009


Just ran through the door after a crazy week of new adventure!!! Starting Sunday we enjoyed church, family friends, fun!! Monday started with running my 6 then off to Park City. No not for a shopping adventure but a three day blitz on sale sale sale. I have to admit I was intimidated my first day at the Ritz, Burns Cowboy Shop on historic main. Feeling like a fish out of water, not remembering all the leathers, hats, prices, I was lucky to have such a great teacher. Thanks to Danna. We had a great three days, and by the end I felt awesome about the expierence.
Thursday was hurry and clean up, load the horse trailer, head to the 2A state wrestling finals to watch the best 171 pounder I know!! Dixon worked hard but came up a little short, finishing on Thursday with two losses.
Dixon had a great season as a sophmore and I am so proud he was dedicated and finished with a good attitude. He's ready for spring and calves to rope and bulls to buck!!!
Friday morning we loaded horses and kids and headed to St.George for a Utah 5th and under rodeo. The roads were horrible, black ice, fog, crazy drivers. By Fillmore I wanted to throw up. We prayed and drove extra careful, and made it safe.
Shad had a wonderful weekend. He bucked off his steer, he drew rank and started him tuff. The steer kicked Shad's feet and he didn't post them back fast enough! Our new mount in the goat tying ducked in front of us and we ended a little longer than we wanted. Team Roping finished with firsts both days, with Taylor Boren. Steer riding was much better on Saturday and we went to busting a move. shad won the steer riding. Overall we were Reserve All-around on Friday, and thrid in the all-around on Saturday.
KyLeigh Jo kicked some fast times out for her on Saturday in the goat tying. She had a goat that was as big as she was, she flanked and tied with much accuracy. i was very proud of her she rode her big brothers saddle in the barrel racing and did great.
Its back to the grind tommarow, headed to Park City to finish up Presidents Day with the Burns Bunch. Sell Sell Sell!!!!


  1. You need to check your comments yo! I am so glad you all are doing so well. I don't know how you do are some of the busiest people I know.....and believe me.....I used to drag me into every thing you did! :) Sounds like your new job is going good and it is right up your alley! Take care...Love you guys!

  2. You are simply amazing Wendy...I don't think I could keep up with you if I tried lol. Thanks for all the great content!

  3. I probably can keep up with you now. I won't make hair bows for Kylee when there is no hair to put them in. Put lots of pictures on your blog so that me and the boys can see what you are doing. I try and update our blog when something new is going on. I got an account on face book and found a lot of the Crump and Jorgensen cousins on. I can keep up on them that way and it inspired me to get a Crump reunion together. I am shooting for the end of October or first of November. Just a one day thing. I send you invitations soon. I am glad to see you are doing well. We are busy as you with scouts, singing, school and what ever else lends its way. Take care.
