I love Monday its the start of something great. Once again I spent the weekend bench sitting. It was Nationals in Richfield for Shad. I decided to drive down on Saturday to watch the action.
Shad is so determined in what ever he does, its fun to watch him win and hard to watch him loose. Saturday he started with a tough match from Spanish Fork. The first round we were down 7 to 2. Ready for a comeback, Shad fired in the 2ND round and I am pretty sure the SF wrestler didn't know what was coming. An explosion of one mad 4Th grader. Shad ran the legs and penetrated to a 1/2 nelson deep. That is one of his favorite moves, and tough to get out of.
Shad Nevada, there were lots of turn around but with tons of time on the bottom. We finished the match down by three and lost. Troubling to Shad it takes him some time to recover. His goal in each match is to pin his opponent. He worked hard. The next three matches were tough but we were triumphant, pinning two and winning by points on the third.
It was the last match against a Wayne opponent, really smart wrestler and a tough kid. Shad worked hard and had a hard time staying on top holding the opponent. After three rounds we finished behind 7 to 2. Shad was extremely upset and had a tough time pulling through with good thoughts.
We are working on seeing the glass half full and picking those things we do good and not just that we didn't win. This is tough for both my boys they work hard to win. I think as a mom we are getting better about seeing the glass half full.
Dixon will wrestle twice this week, a duel in north sevier and a tournament in North Sanpete on the weekend.
Words from the bench would be great job shad with a 4Th place finish!!! Good luck to Dixon to a successful weekend!
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