Fast Paced family of five, living in Central Utah. Talented cowboys and cowgirls evolved from dreams of long pony rides across rivers and streams, down dusty trails through pockets of evergreens. Daily we work hard together competing and learning about horses, one another, believing in a higher being, working to be the best in all we do. Christian believing family with skills in the hard work department, fun haters(not), good times prevail in all.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Crazy to say, its been three years since I blogged!! Oh well, Vegas with Burns Saddlery was another success, selling saddles and topping the charts for the year!
Everyone is doing so well, Dixon is serving in Dublin Ireland, and said its cold and freezing rain that blows sideways. He has grown up and is doing so well. We are excited to hear from him on Christmas!!
Shad is wrestling varsity 127, sucking a little weight but is a disciplined fighter and doing amazing! He has been roping calves and team roping and they are doing well. We have been on a few bulls but picking and choosing were we enter, until we grow up some!
KyLeigh Jo is busy and almost 12, that is crazy. She is playing on a traveling basketball team and trying to keep her horses rode. She is a great student and is a wonderful reader..
life is great as we know it.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
The fast pace November - December
Well here it it Christmas Day, and I remembered after talking with a friend of mine, its been a while since I have updated.
November our favorite sport got back on the front plate, Hot burner and boy is it burning!!! Shad is wrestling 86 - 90lbs depending on where the team needs him and what the tournament has to offer. He has been very successful with some really great matches, overtime, wins and some losses. The first match of the season was awesome, I thought maybe he might be a lil rusty, guess again mom. All four kids ended up crying, in the scissors begging for the match to end, as I asked Shad what he thought as a first match. He smiled and said I learned so much at Elite Wrestling from the college wrestlers it's tremendous. . I smiled and definitely agreed, you could see it in his take downs and levels as he wrestled, and determination. I love that about him. Winning a state title is on his bucket list. Can't wait for the day to come Shad!!!
Most definitely we roped up and tied some calves in St.George, we didn't enter the bull riding because of our torn elbow. Dixon had some awesome runs both in the team roping and calf roping. Quinn and the twins did awesome as well. Its fun for me to see them all go do great after practicing with them. We videoed in the practice pen, when it was 40 below, trying to get a better flank and smoother runs. Great fun!!!
KyLeigh Jo has been staying busy with piano and tumbling as well as horses. This fall she gets her goat and break-away horse after school, rides them to Grandmas, puts them on the hot walker and goes in and practices the piano. Both Grandma's are smiling from ear to ear that she loves piano.
December has been crazy, Dixon, Shad and I went to Vegas. I left on the 28Th of November to set up with Burns Saddlery, and then the second week was the Double Dollar Horse Sale. Burns was exciting for me, Braydon and I ended up working saddles. Brayden is the general manager of the company and has so much knowledge on trees and leather and fit, so excited to expand my knowledge. We did great as a team and sold close to 20 before the show ended.
The 12Th annual Double Dollar Horse Sale, was such a great production, and a so rewarding. As the year unfolded and my responsibilities became heavier and heavier in Holden, the sale brought faces to names and people and great horses. It was a growing achievement for me, I announced the two days of previews and so so so enjoyed that. The sale was down from other years, but made lots of new friends and we all had a great time in Vegas!!
Christmas was by far the best ever. Dixon came home from the ranch, we spent time shopping together, laughing, trying on pants and shirts. He is such a handsome dude. And I almost forgot, he is headed to Panhandle State in Goodwell Oklahoma on a full ride scholarship. We are so tickled about that!!!
As Christmas unfolded this morning we took turns opening and talking. The kids all brought up some of their greatest achievements and things that were tough they had to work through. It took 2 hours and not so many presents, but a super awesome time. Growth continues to fascinate me with my children. They are wise beyond their years, they love with out end, work hard, smile alot and have the best attitudes ever. Once again this blog might just be about me being the luckiest mom ever!!!!
I am determined to be happy in whatever situation I may be- for I have learned from experience that the greater part of happiness or misery depends upon dispositions and not our circumstances.
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy Happy New Year, I can't wait to see what tommorow brings!!
November our favorite sport got back on the front plate, Hot burner and boy is it burning!!! Shad is wrestling 86 - 90lbs depending on where the team needs him and what the tournament has to offer. He has been very successful with some really great matches, overtime, wins and some losses. The first match of the season was awesome, I thought maybe he might be a lil rusty, guess again mom. All four kids ended up crying, in the scissors begging for the match to end, as I asked Shad what he thought as a first match. He smiled and said I learned so much at Elite Wrestling from the college wrestlers it's tremendous. . I smiled and definitely agreed, you could see it in his take downs and levels as he wrestled, and determination. I love that about him. Winning a state title is on his bucket list. Can't wait for the day to come Shad!!!
Most definitely we roped up and tied some calves in St.George, we didn't enter the bull riding because of our torn elbow. Dixon had some awesome runs both in the team roping and calf roping. Quinn and the twins did awesome as well. Its fun for me to see them all go do great after practicing with them. We videoed in the practice pen, when it was 40 below, trying to get a better flank and smoother runs. Great fun!!!
KyLeigh Jo has been staying busy with piano and tumbling as well as horses. This fall she gets her goat and break-away horse after school, rides them to Grandmas, puts them on the hot walker and goes in and practices the piano. Both Grandma's are smiling from ear to ear that she loves piano.
December has been crazy, Dixon, Shad and I went to Vegas. I left on the 28Th of November to set up with Burns Saddlery, and then the second week was the Double Dollar Horse Sale. Burns was exciting for me, Braydon and I ended up working saddles. Brayden is the general manager of the company and has so much knowledge on trees and leather and fit, so excited to expand my knowledge. We did great as a team and sold close to 20 before the show ended.
The 12Th annual Double Dollar Horse Sale, was such a great production, and a so rewarding. As the year unfolded and my responsibilities became heavier and heavier in Holden, the sale brought faces to names and people and great horses. It was a growing achievement for me, I announced the two days of previews and so so so enjoyed that. The sale was down from other years, but made lots of new friends and we all had a great time in Vegas!!
Christmas was by far the best ever. Dixon came home from the ranch, we spent time shopping together, laughing, trying on pants and shirts. He is such a handsome dude. And I almost forgot, he is headed to Panhandle State in Goodwell Oklahoma on a full ride scholarship. We are so tickled about that!!!
As Christmas unfolded this morning we took turns opening and talking. The kids all brought up some of their greatest achievements and things that were tough they had to work through. It took 2 hours and not so many presents, but a super awesome time. Growth continues to fascinate me with my children. They are wise beyond their years, they love with out end, work hard, smile alot and have the best attitudes ever. Once again this blog might just be about me being the luckiest mom ever!!!!
I am determined to be happy in whatever situation I may be- for I have learned from experience that the greater part of happiness or misery depends upon dispositions and not our circumstances.
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy Happy New Year, I can't wait to see what tommorow brings!!
Saturday, October 30, 2010

This picture really makes me think of where does time go?
Before you speak, Listen; Before you write, Think; Before you spen. Earn; Before you invest, Investigate; Before you critize, Wait; Before you pray, Forgive; Before you quit, Try; Before you retire, Save; Before you die; Give. . .
I had this written in my workout journal some great advice. Life has taken some great twists and turns, Dixon turned 18, Shad was on a state Championship Football team, all three kids have grown, inside and out. They amaze me each day by how hard they work, how grateful they are, respectful, fun and encouraging they are to me,
I have been home and probably cussed more, but instead of turning into lazy stumps, they have pushed and pushed.
My life is rich, im thankful as this season comes up for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Count your blessings and look at life as a treasure. Maybe a diamond in the rough. Stive for perfection, smile when life seems dim, work harder than any one expects, see the good in every person. I thank God everyday for those talents i know i have and the ones im working on, thanks thanks thanks.,
Monday, October 18, 2010
Game - Vikings and Cowboys
So i had a crazy expeirence this past weekend, I had the opportunity to go to a Vikings game in Mineapolis!! Holy smokes I have never seen so many people driven by a sport. There were 61,000 people in the stadium. Purple and yellow it was endless. What a production, this was a great game, from start to finish.
Went down in the books as electic, I couldn't believe the energy in that arena. People for the most part were friendly, and we were dressed up like cowboys, so they never had any idea we were cheering for the vikings.
Was a little bit of a long weekend a way from home, but fun to see another part of the world.
Shad, KyLeigh and I roped steers tonight, that Lil Ky is starting to figure out the heeling she makes me laugh. Fun times, it rained and we were all soaked through and through. I love days like that, what a lucky mom i am to have two great lil kids.
Went down in the books as electic, I couldn't believe the energy in that arena. People for the most part were friendly, and we were dressed up like cowboys, so they never had any idea we were cheering for the vikings.
Was a little bit of a long weekend a way from home, but fun to see another part of the world.
Shad, KyLeigh and I roped steers tonight, that Lil Ky is starting to figure out the heeling she makes me laugh. Fun times, it rained and we were all soaked through and through. I love days like that, what a lucky mom i am to have two great lil kids.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Happy 18th Birthday
Well I never never thought today would come!!! 10-10-10, holy smokes. My baby chubby ten pound baby turned 18. Now he is six foot two and a handsome devil. I reflected today on so many things. Dixon is an astounding young man, driven by talent, passion and many other great attributes.
He decided to spend the year at the Double Dollar ranch in Holden, doing an internship and finishing school. When Dixon was little he would saddle this paint we had named tonto, he had a big long ladder he had taken off his swing set, he would put it next to the fence, throw every thing together, and use his big shoulders to cinch him up, he also had a pony spur that took the same abuse.
He had and still has a great imagination and it was fun for him he was a lonely only child until six. He grew up fast in a older group of friends, he and Joe rode sheep and calves, and horses and hay bales until dark, They would lope horses through the fields, tie up Josh until they knew he was going to kill them.
Dixon wrestled and wrestled, tournaments from hill to dale. Always been a great student and not much of a mommies boy.
I can't beleive how time has flown, we have had some rough times, me kicking his butt and sending him home, crying together, laughing together, him taking my money on long trips playing cards, riding colts, watching wrestling.
Heres to you buddy, a mothers love is deep, long and windy like a river. Its endless because it runs into the ocean or a lake. Sometimes the current takes you fast and other times it smooths out into a large body of water, just nestling you against the banks and pushing you into the next faze of life. I love you Dixon, I wish you the best, can't wait to be there when you win the world, hug your best girl, kick you in the butt, wait for those calls from college, laugh, and wait in the window till you pull in the drive way after a long spell. I wish you the world, I know you will be successful, happy birthday, thanks for the memories and the more that are on the way. love mom
He decided to spend the year at the Double Dollar ranch in Holden, doing an internship and finishing school. When Dixon was little he would saddle this paint we had named tonto, he had a big long ladder he had taken off his swing set, he would put it next to the fence, throw every thing together, and use his big shoulders to cinch him up, he also had a pony spur that took the same abuse.
He had and still has a great imagination and it was fun for him he was a lonely only child until six. He grew up fast in a older group of friends, he and Joe rode sheep and calves, and horses and hay bales until dark, They would lope horses through the fields, tie up Josh until they knew he was going to kill them.
Dixon wrestled and wrestled, tournaments from hill to dale. Always been a great student and not much of a mommies boy.
I can't beleive how time has flown, we have had some rough times, me kicking his butt and sending him home, crying together, laughing together, him taking my money on long trips playing cards, riding colts, watching wrestling.
Heres to you buddy, a mothers love is deep, long and windy like a river. Its endless because it runs into the ocean or a lake. Sometimes the current takes you fast and other times it smooths out into a large body of water, just nestling you against the banks and pushing you into the next faze of life. I love you Dixon, I wish you the best, can't wait to be there when you win the world, hug your best girl, kick you in the butt, wait for those calls from college, laugh, and wait in the window till you pull in the drive way after a long spell. I wish you the world, I know you will be successful, happy birthday, thanks for the memories and the more that are on the way. love mom
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