Saturday, February 27, 2010

lessons in life

One has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much!
Casy's birthday was this week, so we met up for a hot date!!!!Lots of fun, we went to Outback Steakhouse, then hung out in the chairs and read books at Barns and Noble. Don't pass out, then we went and watched a basketball game together. We laughed, lived well and loved much.
Life is busy as usual. I have been going to Holden and giving riding lessons, to a great lady. She has had some experience riding before, but just wants to get better. Kayleen has a great attitude about work, life and just everything in between. A sheer joy it has been to help her get better. She improves so much each day, that soon I will be taking lessons from her. What a joy it has been.
Along side giving lessons, I have been getting heading lessons. I've been looking to improve my roping skills and horsemanship as well. Sore muscles, lots of laughing, and a goal in mind. Each day I feel like I am improving, practice, practice, practice!!! Got to love that, can't wait to get all the picture together and perfect it.


  1. Happy Birthday Casey! Glad you had a fun night. Wendy I am glad you are doing well. You are a great example of helping and serving others, I also love that you are always working on becoming better in all areas of your life that is great. Sometimes it is so hard to make time for our selves when we are so busy being a wife and mother and helping those around us. Thanks for the great example.

  2. Happy Birthday again, Dad! :) Glad you guys had so much fun. We miss you lots. Brigham wants to see Gramma Wendy!
