Fast Paced family of five, living in Central Utah. Talented cowboys and cowgirls evolved from dreams of long pony rides across rivers and streams, down dusty trails through pockets of evergreens.
Daily we work hard together competing and learning about horses, one another, believing in a higher being, working to be the best in all we do.
Christian believing family with skills in the hard work department, fun haters(not), good times prevail in all.
Wendy, I have not taken the time to look at blogs for sooooo long. I was very touched by this slideshow and all the wonderful things you have said and done for Joseph. You really are a great friend and a great person! We love you.
Wendy, I have not taken the time to look at blogs for sooooo long. I was very touched by this slideshow and all the wonderful things you have said and done for Joseph. You really are a great friend and a great person! We love you.